Norfolk Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court
4th Judicial District of Virginia
Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts Informational Pamphlet 
Joan Marie Butt
Clerk's Office Hours
8:00AM - 4:00PM
(757) 664-7340
(757) 823-1461
150 St. Paul's Boulevard
5th Floor
Norfolk, VA 23510
- Hon. Lauri DiEnno Hogge, Presiding Judge, Chief Judge
- Hon. Devon R. Paige, Presiding Judge
- Hon. Robert McLanahan Smith III, Presiding Judge
- Hon. Lyn M. Simmons, Presiding Judge
- Hon. Michael Angelo Beverly
Video Arraignments
- Mon. - Fri., 9:00 a.m.
- Mon. - Thurs., 11:30 a.m.
- Mon. - Thurs., 9:30 a.m.
- Mon. - Thurs., 9:30 a.m.
- Mon. - Thurs., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
- Mon. - Thurs., 9:30 a.m.
- Fridays or afternoon dockets - times & days depend on Judge
- Fridays - times depend upon Judge
- Mon. - Thurs., 2:00 p.m.
Times may vary depending on Judge and number of cases scheduled.
- Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m.
Continuances governed by Rule 8:14. Continuances granted by Judge on motion for good cause. In both civil and criminal matters when both parties are represented by counsel and there is an agreed upon continuance, the attorneys may submit a request and order to the Court which shall include the specific case file number of all matters which are the subject of the continuance. The request must include available continuance dates and may be faxed to the Clerk's office at least three business days prior to the court hearing. The request will be submitted to the Judge and the attorneys will be notified of the Court's response. In civil matters, if the continuance is granted, it will be the responsibility of the attorneys to notify all parties that they are excused. The attorneys will be responsible for issuing process for all parties previously summonsed. In criminal cases, if the continuance is granted the defendant and the Commonwealth Attorney must appear on the original court date. The defense attorney need not appear. All victims/witnesses may be excused from appearing. The Commonwealth Attorney will be responsible for issuing new subpoenas for the continuance date.