Advisory Committee Structure

During its 2004 General Assembly session, the legislature adopted the Drug Treatment Court Act. In so doing, the General Assembly recognized that there is a critical need in the Commonwealth for effective treatment programs that reduce the incidence of drug use, drug addiction, family separation due to parental substance abuse and drug-related crimes. Through the establishment of drug treatment courts, the General Assembly expressed its commitment to enhance public safety by facilitating the creation of drug treatment courts as a means to fulfill these needs.

The establishment of a permanent home in state government for drug court treatment programs together with the creation of the statewide advisory committee serves to provide a necessary forum to discuss other funding sources, not only for the oldest programs but also for other operational and planned drug treatment courts. Such discussions will include the subject of client-participation fees, local match requirements, potential funding from fees and fee-based accumulating funds and as state revenues improve, stable support from state General Funds.

This page last modified: August 20, 2008