Concluded Programs and Studies
The programs and studies listed below are no longer active, ongoing programs or studies of the Judiciary. Archived resources and reports are available for reference.
The Commission on Mental Health Law Reform conducted a comprehensive examination of Virginia's mental health laws and services.
The Judicial Boundary Realignment Study studied and made recommendations regarding judicial boundary realignment.
Judicial Emergency in Response to COVID-19 Emergency
Report of the Committee that examined existing programs and procedures in Virginia and made recommendations to improve the wellness and quality of professional services offered by lawyers and judges in the Commonwealth.
The Pandemic Flu Preparedness Commission prepared a benchbook to guide the Judicial Branch in preparing for a pandemic.
Report of the Committee on Lawyer Well-Being of the Supreme Court of Virginia that examined existing programs and procedures in Virginia and made recommendations to improve the wellness and quality of professional services offered by lawyers and judges in the Commonwealth.
Virginia Judicial Workload Assessment Report 2017
Report completed pursuant to Chapter 780, Virginia Acts of Assembly (2016) on judicial workload and judicial boundary realignment.
Virginia Judicial Workload Assessment Report 2013
Report completed pursuant to Chapter 601, Virginia Acts of Assembly (2012) on judicial workload and judicial boundary realignment.
Covid-19 Local and Appellate Court Information
Supreme Court of Virginia Orders of Judicial Emergency in Response to COVID-19 Emergency and announcements by appellate and local courts relating to the Judicial Emergency in Response to COVID-19 Emergency (March 16, 2020 – June 22, 2022).