Court Performance and Statistical Services (CPSS)
Paul F. DeLosh, Director
Phone - (804) 786-6455
The Court Performance and Statistical Services Division of the Department of Judicial Services focuses on the coordination and development of strategic planning processes within Virginia’s judicial system; the development and implementation of performance measures to generate data for long-term planning and daily operational management of the court system; the publication of statistical analyses and topical reports, such as the State of the Judiciary Report, that serve to inform both governmental agencies and the public about the activities of the judiciary; the training and application of the principles of effective court management; the compilation and analysis of caseload and other data to provide effective court and docket management; oversight of Virginia’s Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardianship Stakeholders (WINGS) for the protection of Virginia’s vulnerable incapacitated adult population; education to assist in the development of court written continuity of operations (COOP) plans; the dissemination of information to assist in the development of comprehensive policies and procedures to enhance courthouse security; the preparation of workload analysis reports in the consideration of additional judgeship positions; and the development of data governance policies for court data management.